Tuesday 3 February 2009

Bad doggie

Yesterday, when me and Mathias went out for our final walk of the day, a large black maledog came running towards us. I could see he was up for a fight. I did my best to defend myself and Mathias separated us till the other dog's owner also came running. He apologized a thousand times and asked how I was doing. He was really worried. Well, no harm done, I'm perfectly fine. Mathias on the other hand was really upset!

There are lots of dogs in our neighbourhood and many of the owners keep them off-leash. I think that is okay as long as the owners can control their dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Yes i am totally agree with you about the owners who keep then off-leash.
    Some peaople don't think about others.
    Fine you are ok Kuro.

    Greeting Joyce
